Eid al-Adha 2025 by Day

This festival is celebrated throughout the Muslim world as a commemoration of Prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice everything for God. Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah, the twelfth and final month in the Islamic calendar. As the exact day is based on lunar sightings, the date may vary between countries.

Thursday June 5th 2025

 Afghanistan Day of Arafa
 Jordan Eid Al-Adha Religious Holiday
 Kuwait Arafat Day
 Libya Arafat Day
 Maldives Hajj Day Date to be confirmed. Arafat (Haj) Day
 Oman Arafat Day Date to be confirmed
 Turkiye Kurban Bayramı Holiday
 United Arab Emirates Afrah Day

Friday June 6th 2025

 East Timor Idul Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Guyana Eid-Ul-Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 India Id-ul-Ad'ha Bakrid. Kerala
 Indonesia Idul Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Kazakhstan Kurban Ait Feast of the Sacrifice
 Malaysia Arafat (Haj) Day
 Qatar Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Saudi Arabia Eid Al Adha Date to be confirmed. Arafat (Haj) Day
 Spain Eid El Kebir Ceuta, Melilla only. Feast of Sacrifice
 Turkiye Kurban Bayramı Feast of the Sacrifice

Saturday June 7th 2025

 Afghanistan Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Albania Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Algeria Eid Al Adha Sacrifice Feast
 Azerbaijan Gurban Bayrami Feast of the Sacrifice
 Bahrain Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Bangladesh Eid-ul-Azha Executive Order Holiday
 Benin Tabaski Feast of the Sacrifice
 Brunei Hari Raya Aidil Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Burkina Faso Tabaski Feast of the Sacrifice
 Burundi Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Cameroon Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Central African Republic Tabaski Feast of the Sacrifice
 Chad Tabaski Feast of the Sacrifice
 Comoros Ide el Kabir Feast of the Sacrifice
 Djibouti Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Egypt Eid-el-Kibr Feast of the Sacrifice
 Eritrea Eid Al Adaha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Ethiopia Eid Al Adaha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Gabon Eid Al Adha Date varies on Lunar cycle
 Gambia Tobaski Feast of the Sacrifice
 Ghana Eidul-Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Guinea Tabaski Feast of the Sacrifice
 Guinea-Bissau Tabaski Feast of the Sacrifice
 India Bakrid Many states
 Iran Eid-e-Qorban Feast of the Sacrifice
 Iraq Eid Al-Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Ivory Coast Tabaski Feast of the Sacrifice
 Jordan Eid Al-Adha Religious Holiday
 Kenya Idd-ul-Azha Sacrifice Feast
 Kosovo Eid ul-Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Kuwait Eid Al-Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Kyrgyzstan Kurman Ait Feast of the Sacrifice
 Lebanon Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Libya Eid Al-Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Madagascar Eid Al Adha For Muslims
 Malaysia Hari Raya Haji Festival of Sacrifice
 Maldives Eid-ul Al'haa Feast of the Sacrifice
 Mali Tabaski Feast of the Sacrifice
 Mauritania Eid Al-Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Morocco Eid Kbir Feast of the Sacrifice
 Myanmar Eid ul-Adha Day Date subject to change
 Nepal Edul Aajha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Niger Tabaski Feast of the Sacrifice
 Nigeria Id el Kabir Feast of the Sacrifice
 Oman Eid Al-Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Pakistan Eid ul-Azha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Palestine Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Philippines Eidul Adha Date to be confirmed.
 Qatar Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Rwanda Eid El Haj Feast of the Sacrifice
 Saudi Arabia Eid Al Adha Date varies on Lunar cycle
 Senegal Tabaski Feast of the Sacrifice
 Sierra Leone Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Singapore Hari Raya Haji Feast of the sacrifice
 Somalia Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 South Sudan Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Sri Lanka Idul Adha Hajjhi Festival Day
 Sudan Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Suriname Idul Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Syria Eid Al Adaha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Tajikistan Kurban Bairam Feast of the Sacrifice
 Tanzania Eid El Haj Subject to confirmation
 Togo Tabaski Feast of the Sacrifice
 Tunisia Aïd El Kebir Eid al-Adha
 Turkiye Kurban Bayramı Holiday
 Turkmenistan Kurban Bairam Feast of the Sacrifice
 Uganda Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 United Arab Emirates Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Uzbekistan Kurban Khait Feast of the Sacrifice
 Yemen Eid Al-Adha

Sunday June 8th 2025

 Afghanistan Eid Al Adha
 Azerbaijan Gurban Bayrami
 Bahrain Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Bangladesh Eid-ul-Azha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Comoros Ide el Kabir
 Djibouti Eid Al Adha
 Egypt Eid-el-Kibr
 India Eid-ul-Azha Jammu & Kashmir
 Iraq Eid Al-Adha Holiday
 Jordan Eid Al-Adha Religious Holiday
 Kuwait Eid Al Adha Holiday
 Lebanon Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Libya Eid Al-Adha
 Malaysia Hari Raya Haji Feast of the sacrifice
 Mauritania Eid Al-Adha Holiday
 Morocco Eid Kbir Holiday Banks and Government only
 Niger Tabaski Holiday
 Oman Eid Al-Adha
 Pakistan Eid ul-Azha Day 2
 Palestine Eid Al Adha
 Qatar Eid Al Adha
 Saudi Arabia Eid Al Adha Date to be confirmed.
 South Sudan Eid Al Adha
 Syria Eid Al Adaha
 Tunisia Aïd El Kebir Date varies on Lunar cycle
 Turkiye Kurban Bayramı Holiday
 United Arab Emirates Eid Al Adha
 Yemen Eid Al-Adha Holiday

Monday June 9th 2025

 Afghanistan Eid Al Adha
 Bahrain Eid Al Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Bangladesh Eid-ul-Azha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Egypt Eid-el-Kibr
 Indonesia Idul Adha Collective leave day
 Iraq Eid Al-Adha Holiday
 Jordan Eid Al-Adha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Kuwait Eid Al Adha Holiday
 Libya Eid Al-Adha
 Oman Eid Al-Adha
 Pakistan Eid ul-Azha Day 3
 Palestine Eid Al Adha
 Qatar Eid Al Adha
 Saudi Arabia Eid Al Adha Date to be confirmed.
 Syria Eid Al Adaha
 Tunisia Aïd El Kebir Date varies on Lunar cycle
 Turkiye Kurban Bayramı Holiday
 United Arab Emirates Eid Al Adha
 Uzbekistan Kurban Khait Feast of the Sacrifice
 Yemen Eid Al-Adha Holiday

Tuesday June 10th 2025

 Bangladesh Eid-ul-Azha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Egypt Eid-el-Kibr Public Sector only
 Iraq Eid Al-Adha Holiday
 Oman Eid Al-Adha
 Qatar Eid Al Adha Public sector only
 Saudi Arabia Eid Al Adha Date to be confirmed. Public sector only
 Yemen Eid Al-Adha Holiday

Wednesday June 11th 2025

 Bangladesh Eid-ul-Azha Feast of the Sacrifice
 Saudi Arabia Eid Al Adha Date to be confirmed. Public sector only

Thursday June 12th 2025

 Bangladesh Eid-ul-Azha Feast of the Sacrifice

Tuesday June 17th 2025

 Nigeria Id el Kabir Feast of the Sacrifice

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