Day Guide for Wednesday April 17th 2024 What are the holidays on April 17th 2024?

This is our day guide for Wednesday April 17th 2024 which shows you at a glance what's happening on this day around the world. Using the calendar on this page, you can look at a day guide for any day. Why not look up your birthday to see which holidays you share it with?

Holidays on April 17th 2024

American Samoa: American Samoa Flag Day

Marks the day in 1900 when American Samoa became a U.S. territory

Croatia: Public Holiday

To allow voters to participate in the Parliamentary elections.

Gabon: Women's Day

Marks the appointment of the first female to the Government in Gabon


India (regional): Ram Navami

Celebrates the birth of Lord Rama to King Dasharatha of Ayodhya celebrated on the ninth day of Chaitra

Lao: Lao New Year Holiday

Fifth day of holidays to mark the Lao New Year

Myanmar: Burmese New Year

The Burmese New Year falls on the day that the sun enters the star sign of Aries

Solomon Islands: Public Holiday

A public holiday fro National, Provincial and Honiara City Council elections.

Syria: Evacuation Day

Commemorates the withdrawal of French troops on this day in 1946, when Syria proclaimed its independence after more than 20 years of French occupation.

Observances on April 17th 2024

United Kingdom: Malbec Day

Malbec is one of the six grapes allowed in the blend of red Bordeaux wine.

USA: National Bat Appreciation Day

You'd have to be batty not to want to celebrate these amazing, nocturnal animals!

USA: National Cheeseball Day

Let's be honest, most holidays are cheesy, at least this one is upfront about it!

USA: National Ellis Island Family History Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Ellis Island Family History Day

Italy: National Espresso Day

It's an Italian classic, so no wonder Italy observes National Espresso Day!

USA: International Haiku Poetry Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of International Haiku Poetry Day.

International: Banana Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of Banana Day.

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General Information for April 17th 2024
There are 8 public holidays today.
Day 108 of 2024
258 days left in 2024
Week 16 of the year
On this Day in History
1998 - Linda McCartney, wife of Paul McCartney, Wings musician and animal rights campaigner, dies (born 1941).
1963 - Baseball legend Mickey Mantle hits the record-breaking 'tape measure' home run.
1924 - Carl Hayden receives a letter regarding a meeting in Tucson, just one stage in the Americanisation of the Pima Nation.
1875 - The English Football League is formed - good news for Blackburn Rovers FC.