Facts about Uruguay Independence Day

Facts about Uruguay Independence Day

Independence from the Empire of Brazil in 1825 following the end of the Argentina-Brazil War.

To mark the day, here are 10 interesting facts about Uruguay Independence Day.

Uruguay's national anthem lasts more than five minutes and is the world's longest, though generally only the first verse and chorus are sung. Uruguay Independence Day Facts

Uruguay is the only country in Latin America which is entirely outside the tropics, being south of the Tropic of Capricorn. Uruguay Independence Day Facts

Uruguay is the second smallest country in South America, only Suriname is smaller. Uruguay Independence Day Facts

The name Uruguay comes from the river Uruguay and means 'river of painted birds.' Uruguay Independence Day Facts

The first ever FIFA World Cup was held in Uruguay in 1930. Uruguay Independence Day Facts

Uruguay's capital is Montevideo. It is also the largest city in the country with half of the entire population living here. Uruguay Independence Day Facts

In Uruguay, there is no official religion. Roman Catholicism is the most predominant with around 48% of the population following this religion. Uruguay Independence Day Facts

Almost 95% of the electricity in Uruguay is generated from renewable resources, mainly from wind farms. Uruguay Independence Day Facts

Montevideo is the third most southerly capital city in the world. Only Wellington (New Zealand) and Canberra (Australia) are further south. Uruguay Independence Day Facts

Uruguay used to play Test Cricket. English sailors introduced cricket to Uruguay in the 19th century. There was a Test side which played Argentina many times between 1868 and World War II. Uruguay Independence Day Facts
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