USA Independence Day around the world in 2025

  How long until USA Independence Day?
USA Independence Day
  Dates of USA Independence Day around the world
2026 Various Jul 3, Jul 4
American Samoa Jul 3, Jul 4
American SamoaSat, Jul 4National Holiday
American SamoaFri, Jul 3National Holiday (in lieu)
GuamSat, Jul 4National Holiday
Puerto RicoSat, Jul 4National Holiday
US Virgin IslandsSat, Jul 4National Holiday
USA Jul 3, Jul 4
USASat, Jul 4National Holiday
USAFri, Jul 3National Holiday (in lieu)
2025 Various Jul 4
American SamoaFri, Jul 4National Holiday
GuamFri, Jul 4National Holiday
Puerto RicoFri, Jul 4National Holiday
US Virgin IslandsFri, Jul 4National Holiday
USAFri, Jul 4National Holiday
2024 Various Jul 4, Jul 5
American SamoaThu, Jul 4National Holiday
GuamThu, Jul 4National Holiday (in lieu)
Puerto RicoThu, Jul 4National Holiday
US Virgin IslandsThu, Jul 4National Holiday
USA Jul 4, Jul 5
FloridaFri, Jul 5Government Holiday (bridge day)
West VirginiaFri, Jul 5Regional Holiday
USAThu, Jul 4National Holiday
2023 Various Jul 3, Jul 4
American SamoaTue, Jul 4National Holiday
GuamTue, Jul 4National Holiday (in lieu)
Puerto RicoTue, Jul 4National Holiday
US Virgin IslandsTue, Jul 4National Holiday
USA Jul 3, Jul 4
USATue, Jul 4National Holiday
West VirginiaMon, Jul 3Government Holiday (bridge day)
2022 Various Jul 4
American SamoaMon, Jul 4National Holiday
GuamMon, Jul 4National Holiday
Puerto RicoMon, Jul 4National Holiday
US Virgin IslandsMon, Jul 4National Holiday
USAMon, Jul 4National Holiday

On July 4th 1776 the United States of America proclaimed its independence from England

  Which countries observe USA Independence Day in 2025?
National Holiday Regional Holiday Not a public holiday Govt Holiday

When is Independence Day?

Independence Day, the Fourth of July, is the National Day of the United States of America. It is a federal holiday and also a holiday in all 50 states and other US territories on July 4th.

In 2020, as Independence Day falls on a Saturday, the previous Friday will be observed as a Federal Holiday. It will also be a State Holiday in 46 states and Washington DC as Massachusetts, New York and Texas observe a Saturday holiday on a Saturday, and Rhode Island will observe a State Holiday on the following Monday.  In 2021, when Independence Day will fall on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as a Federal Holiday and it will be a State Holiday in all states apart from Texas.

As this is a Federal holiday, not only will schools and libraries be closed, most federal and state offices will be closed and there will be no mail deliveries on Independence Day

History of Independence Day

On July 4th 1776, the United States of America proclaimed its independence from England by signing the Declaration of Independence.

While the signing of the Declaration itself was not completed until August, the Fourth of July holiday is seen as the official anniversary of U.S. independence.

Although Philadelphians marked the first anniversary of independence in 1777 with spontaneous celebrations in the streets of Philadelphia, the first recorded use of the name "Independence Day" wasn't until 1791 and Independence Day celebrations only became common after the War of 1812.

By the 1870s, Independence Day had become the most important secular holiday on the American calendar and has transformed into what is known as the 4th of July today.

In 1870, The U.S. Congress made Independence Day an unpaid holiday for federal employees, though it wasn't until 1941 that Congress declared Independence Day to be a paid federal holiday.

How is Independence Day celebrated?

Independence Day is the most patriotic and enthusiastically celebrated of all America's holidays. There will be parades, barbeques, picnics and fireworks throughout the country.

Celebrate the Fourth of July with your Hue lights!

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Did you know?

Three facts about USA Independence Day

There is a 49 percent chance that the beans on an American plate for a Fourth of July picnic came from North Dakota or Michigan.

John Hancock, president of the Second Continental Congress, signed the declaration first but his signature was so large it left little room for the others. The term "John Hancock" is still used as a slang term for a signature in the US today.

The “Star Spangled Banner” was originally titled "Defense of Fort McHenry." Its melody is based on an English drinking song called “to Anacreon in Heaven.”

More facts about USA Independence Day

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