Ill Full Moon Poya in Sri Lanka in 2024

Ill Full Moon Poya in Sri Lanka in 2024
Golden Buddha at Dambulla,Sri Lanka
  How long until Ill Full Moon Poya?
Ill Full Moon Poya
  Dates of Ill Full Moon Poya in Sri Lanka
2025 Sri Lanka Wed, Nov 5 National Holiday
2024 Sri Lanka Fri, Nov 15 National Holiday
2023 Sri Lanka Sun, Nov 26 National Holiday
2022 Sri Lanka Mon, Nov 7 National Holiday
2021 Sri Lanka Thu, Nov 18 National Holiday

Commemorates Buddha's ordination of sixty disciples as the first missionaries

When is Ill Full Moon Poya?

Ill Full Moon Poya is a public holiday in Sri Lanka. It usually falls in November in the western calendar. It is the penultimate Poya of the year and marks the end of the rainy season and the conclusion of the three-month retreat (Vassana-Samaya).

Traditions of Ill Full Moon Poya

This Poya celebrates the obtaining of Vivarana (the assurance of becoming a Buddha) by the Bodhisatta Maitriya and the commissioning of 60 disciples by The Buddha to disperse his teachings. 

According to tradition, the foundation stone for the Thuparamaya, Sri Lanka’s first stupa after the introduction of Buddhism was laid on this day many centuries ago.

To mark this event, many Sri Lankan Buddhists will travel to this bell-shaped stupa in Anuradhapura to offer flowers and reflect on the Buddha’s teachings.

Shops and businesses are generally closed on Poya days, and the sale of alcohol and meat is forbidden.

If the full moon day falls on a weekend, then the public holiday is not moved to another day.

Full Moon Poya

Every full moon (usually once a month) is a public holiday in Sri Lanka. Each of the full moons has its own name and they are days to commemorate key events in Buddhism.

These full moon days are known as Poya. The Poya dates will change each year and certain Poya dates may be a day before or after the date of the full moon.

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