Poland Independence Day around the world in 2025

  How long until Poland Independence Day?
Poland Independence Day
  Dates of Poland Independence Day around the world
2026 PolandNov 11
Poland Wed, Nov 11National Holiday
2025 PolandNov 11
Poland Tue, Nov 11National Holiday
2024 PolandNov 11
Poland Mon, Nov 11National Holiday
2023 PolandNov 11
Poland Sat, Nov 11National Holiday
2022 PolandNov 11
Poland Fri, Nov 11National Holiday

Commemorates the anniversary of Poland's assumption of independent statehood in 1918.

When is Polish Independence Day?

This holiday is always celebrated annually on November 11th.

In Polish, it is known as 'Narodowe Święto Niepodległości'.

History of Polish Independence Day

Polish Independence Day commemorates the re-establishment of the state of Poland at the end of the first world war in 1918.

For 123 years prior to 1918, Poland had been partitioned under the rule of Prussia, Austria, and Russia.

On November 11th 1918, the day that the first world war ended, this partition was removed and Poland was granted its independence.

On this date, the Polish Military Organisation’s secret departments demobilized soldiers and legionnaires disarmed the Germans in Warsaw and other Polish towns. The Regency Government appointed Józef Piłsudski as commander in chief over the Polish forces and three days later he was given complete civil control. He formed a new centralized government, which on November 21st issued key measures including a manifesto of agricultural reforms. Piłsudski also brought in more favourable conditions for the workers and called parliamentary elections.

November 11th was announced a national holiday in 1937. In 1945, when Poland became a communist regime as a result of the Yalta conference, at the request of Stalin following the end of the second world war, the holiday was abolished.

In 1989, following the collapse of the Communist government fell, Independence Day was reinstated as a national holiday.

How is Polish Independence Day Celebrated?

Celebrations across the country will include firework displays, concerts and parades. It is also a time for family reunions.

Independence Day is an official public holiday in Poland, so schools, banks, government offices, and most private businesses are closed. There is a trade prohibition on public holidays in Poland, so most shops are closed. If you are intending to travel via public transport during a public holiday, check with the public transit authorities for any changes to time schedules.

Did you know?

Three facts about Poland Independence Day

In 1795 Poland ceased to exist as a country for 123 years.

The Polish constitution of 1791 was the first in Europe, and second in the world after the American Constitution of 1789.

The most common pet name for a dog in Poland is 'Burek' which is the Polish word for a brown-grey colour.

More facts about Poland Independence Day

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