Recreation Day in Tasmania in 2024

Recreation Day in Tasmania in 2024
Bay of Fires, Tasmania. Image by bennymarty , via Deposit Photos
  How long until Recreation Day?
Recreation Day
  Dates of Recreation Day in Tasmania
2026 Mon, Nov 2Regional Holiday
2025 Mon, Nov 3Regional Holiday
2024 Mon, Nov 4Regional Holiday
2023 Mon, Nov 6Regional Holiday
2022 Mon, Nov 7Regional Holiday

All parts of Tasmania which do not observe Royal Hobart Regatta.

Recreation Day is a public holiday in Northern Tasmania, Australia which is annually celebrated on every first Monday of November. 

It's a bank holiday for those who observe it, which means they get to take the day off work, and schools are closed. As the name suggests, this day is reserved for people to carry out recreational activities as they like. 

It is held on the first Monday in November and was instituted to offset Regatta Day in southern Tasmania. It is observed in all parts of Tasmania north of (but not including) Oatlands and Swansea. This area includes Strathgordon, Tarraleah and the West Coast.

Recreation Day does not have a great deal of historical, cultural or religious significance. Prior to 1989, it was simply known as the First Monday of November holiday.

The Bank Holidays Act 1919 was amended in 1989 to delete all references to the first Monday of November as a holiday. At that time, it was proposed to make the day (known as Recreation Day) a holiday under the general powers of proclamation in section eight of that Act. 

In 1991 the state government decided that Recreation Day would be observed on November 11th. This was to coincide with the final day of the Australian Pacing Championship due to be held in Launceston at that time. The government’s decision was proclaimed in the government gazette on September 18th 1991.

Other parts of Tasmania do not observe this holiday. Instead, they observe the Royal Hobart Regatta, which falls on the second Monday of February.

Regional holidays (parts of Tasmania)
Devonport Cup 5 January11 January10 JanuaryHalf day holiday. Generally Public Service only. From 11 am in the municipal area of Devonport.
Royal Hobart Regatta 14 February13 February12 FebruarySouth of and including Oatlands and Swansea excluding Bronte Park, Catagunya, Strathgordon, Tarraleah, Wayatinah & West Coast.
Launceston Cup 23 February22 February28 February

Generally Public Service only. All Day - Municipal areas of Break O'Day, Dorset, George Town, Glamorgan-Spring Bay (north of and including Cranbrook), Launceston excluding Launceston City centre and suburbs specified below, Meander Valley excluding suburbs and townships specified below, Northern Midlands, Southern Midlands north of but not including Oatlands, West Tamar excluding townships specified below.

From 11am - Launceston City centre and the following suburbs and townships Alanvale, Blackstone Heights, East Launceston, Elphin, Franklin Village, Glen Dhu, Inveresk, Invermay, Killafaddy, Kings Meadows, Mayfield, Mowbray, Mowbray Heights, Newnham, Newstead, North Riverside, Norwood, Prospect, Prospect Vale, Punchbowl, Ravenswood, Riverside, Rocherlea, St Leonards, Sandhill, South Launceston, Summerhill, Trevallyn, Vermont, Waverley, West Launceston, West Riverside, Youngtown.

King Island Show 1 March7 March5 MarchKing Island only
AGFEST 6 May5 May5 MayMunicipal area of Circular Head only.
Burnie Show 30 September6 October4 OctoberMunicipal areas of Burnie, Waratah-Wynyard and West Coast.
Royal Launceston Show 6 October12 October10 OctoberMunicipal areas of Break O'Day, Dorset, George Town, Launceston, Meander Valley, Northern Midlands, West Tamar.
Flinders Island Show14 October20 October18 OctoberMunicipal area of Flinders Island.
Royal Hobart Show 20 October26 October24 OctoberAll of Tasmania south of and including Oatlands and Swansea also Bronte Park, Strathgordon, Tarreleah and Wayatinah - excludes West Coast.
Recreation Day 7 November6 November4 NovemberAll parts of the state which do not observe Royal Hobart Regatta.
Devonport Show 25 November1 December29 NovemberMunicipal areas of Devonport, Kentish and Latrobe.

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