Facts about Independent Czechoslovak State Day

Also known as Foundation of the Independent Czechoslovak State Day, this holiday commemorates the date in 1918 when Czechoslovakia was created.

To mark the day, here are 11 interesting facts about Independent Czechoslovak State Day.

Czech people are the world’s heaviest consumers of beer. Independent Czechoslovak State Day Facts

The first pale lager, Pilsner Urquell, was brewed in the Czech city Pilsen in 1842. Independent Czechoslovak State Day Facts

Soft contact lenses were invented by a Czech chemist. It was Otto Wichterle who invented the soft contact lenses in 1959. Independent Czechoslovak State Day Facts

The Czech Republic ranks as one of the least religious populations in the world, with only 19 percent of them claiming to believe in God. Independent Czechoslovak State Day Facts

The world “robot” was created by the Czech artist Josef Čapek. It was first used by Czech author Karel Čapek in his novel R.U.R. It was his brother Josef Čapek who is credited with creating the word. Independent Czechoslovak State Day Facts

Charles University in Prague, founded in 1348, is the oldest university in Central Europe. Independent Czechoslovak State Day Facts

Mushroom hunting is a favorite pastime of the Czech people. In the autumn it is a national passion in the damp forests. They gather yearly at St. Václav Day in September and the hunts can be quite competitive. Independent Czechoslovak State Day Facts

Prague Castle is the largest in Europe with more than 700 hundred rooms. Independent Czechoslovak State Day Facts

Popular foods of the Czech people include Vepřo Knedlo Zelo, a roast pork with bread dumplings and stewed cabbage, and Bramboráky, or potato pancakes, traditionally presented with sauerkraut. Independent Czechoslovak State Day Facts

Skoda Auto, Europe’s largest car maker, is based in the Czech Republic. Independent Czechoslovak State Day Facts

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis was born in what is now the Czech Republic. Independent Czechoslovak State Day Facts
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