Day Guide for Saturday July 24th 2021 What are the holidays on July 24th 2021?

This is our day guide for Saturday July 24th 2021 which shows you at a glance what's happening on this day around the world. Using the calendar on this page, you can look at a day guide for any day. Why not look up your birthday to see which holidays you share it with?

Holidays on July 24th 2021

International: Simon Bolivar Day

Simón Bolívar led Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia to independence from the Spanish Empire

International: Eid Al Adha

Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice is the most important feast in the Muslim calendar. It celebrates the willingness of the Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ishmael in submission to Allah's command, before he was stopped by Allah.

Egypt: Revolution Day July 23 Holiday

The National Day of Egypt and is the biggest non-religious public holiday in Egypt.

Vanuatu: Children's Day

A day to promote the welfare and well-being of children and also to celebrate children and what they contribute to society

Observances on July 24th 2021

USA: National Cousins Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Cousins Day

USA: National Drive-Thru Day

Drive-Thru services are offered by over 200,000 restaurants in the US.

USA: National Tequila Day

This popular spirit is distilled from the blue agave plant and made only in Mexico.

USA: National Thermal Engineering Day

The Heat is On! National Thermal Engineering Day is on July 24th as that is the hottest day of the year.

USA: National Day of the Cowboy

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Day of the Cowboy

Russia: Florists' Day

Weddings, anniversaries, romantic gatherings... none of these events can do without a bouquet of flowers.

International: International Self Care Day

International Self-Care Day provides a focus and opportunity to raise the profile of healthy lifestyle self-care programmes around the world.

July 23rd 2021 | Go to Today | July 25th 2021

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General Information for July 24th 2021
There are 4 public holidays today.
Day 205 of 2021
160 days left in 2021
Week 29 of the year
On this Day in History
1982 - Heavy rain causes a mudslide that destroys a bridge at Nagasaki, Japan, killing 299.
1949 - Luckily nobody is killed and only a few people are injured in a London rail disaster when a train passed a red signal after leaving London Bridge station.
1588 - The Spanish force appear off the coast of the Isle of Wight.
1148 - Louis VII of France lays siege to Damascus during the Second Crusade.