Zambia Independence Day around the world in 2024

Zambia Independence Day around the world in 2024
Flag of Zambia Image by Office Holidays
  How long until Zambia Independence Day?
Zambia Independence Day
  Dates of Zambia Independence Day around the world
2026 ZambiaOct 24
Zambia Sat, Oct 24National Holiday
2025 ZambiaOct 24
Zambia Fri, Oct 24National Holiday
2024 ZambiaOct 24
Zambia Thu, Oct 24National Holiday
2023 ZambiaOct 24
Zambia Tue, Oct 24National Holiday
2022 ZambiaOct 24
Zambia Mon, Oct 24National Holiday

Marks the declaration of independence from the United Kingdom in 1964

When is Zambian Independence Day?

Independence Day is celebrated as a public holiday in Zambia on October 24th each year. If October 24th falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be a public holiday.

This holiday marks independence from the United Kingdom on this day in 1964 and is the National Holiday of Zambia.

History of Zambian Independence Day

Due to its land-locked location, Zambia was not visited by European settlers until the end of the nineteenth century.

Previous contact with outsiders had been limited to a few Arab and Portuguese visits in the eighteenth century that had not ended in any lasting relationship.

In 1888, Cecil Rhodes, the leader of the British South Africa Company (BSA Company), obtained mineral rights in the region. Suppression of tribal rebellions and the discovery of copper deposits led to control of other areas in the region. These regions were administered as separate units until 1911 when they were merged to form Northern Rhodesia (Rhodesia named after Cecil Rhodes).

Northern Rhodesia was a British protectorate; governed by an administration appointed from London with the advice of the BSA Company, until their company charter was not renewed in 1923 and the British Government took control.

In 1953, several countries under British control in the region were put into the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. The creation of the federation was especially resented in Northern Rhodesia leading to the rise of two nationalist parties. Following elections in 1962, the two parties joined forces to pass resolutions calling for Northern Rhodesia's secession from the federation and demanding full internal self-government.

The federation was dissolved on December 31st 1963, and in January 1964, Kaunda won the only election for Prime Minister of Northern Rhodesia.

On October 24th 1964, the British colony of Northern Rhodesia became the independent Republic of Zambia and prime minister Kenneth Kaunda became the inaugural president serving until 1991.

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