V-E Day around the world in 2025

V-E Day around the world in 2025
  How long until V-E Day?
V-E Day
  Dates of V-E Day around the world
2025 Various May 8
Czech RepublicThu, May 8National Holiday
FranceThu, May 8National Holiday
French GuianaThu, May 8National Holiday
French PolynesiaThu, May 8National Holiday
GuadeloupeThu, May 8National Holiday
MartiniqueThu, May 8National Holiday
New CaledoniaThu, May 8National Holiday
Saint MartinThu, May 8National Holiday
SlovakiaThu, May 8National Holiday
UkraineThu, May 8National Holiday
Wallis and FutunaThu, May 8National Holiday
2024 Various May 8
Czech RepublicWed, May 8National Holiday
FranceWed, May 8National Holiday
French GuianaWed, May 8National Holiday
French PolynesiaWed, May 8National Holiday
GuadeloupeWed, May 8National Holiday
MartiniqueWed, May 8National Holiday
New CaledoniaWed, May 8National Holiday
Saint MartinWed, May 8National Holiday
SlovakiaWed, May 8National Holiday
UkraineWed, May 8National Holiday
Wallis and FutunaWed, May 8National Holiday
2023 Various May 8
Czech RepublicMon, May 8National Holiday
FranceMon, May 8National Holiday
French GuianaMon, May 8National Holiday
French PolynesiaMon, May 8National Holiday
GuadeloupeMon, May 8National Holiday
MartiniqueMon, May 8National Holiday
New CaledoniaMon, May 8National Holiday
Saint MartinMon, May 8National Holiday
SlovakiaMon, May 8National Holiday
UkraineMon, May 8Not A Public Holiday
Wallis and FutunaMon, May 8National Holiday
2022 Various May 8
Czech RepublicSun, May 8National Holiday
FranceSun, May 8National Holiday
French GuianaSun, May 8National Holiday
French PolynesiaSun, May 8National Holiday
GuadeloupeSun, May 8National Holiday
MartiniqueSun, May 8National Holiday
New CaledoniaSun, May 8National Holiday
Saint BarthélemySun, May 8National Holiday
Saint MartinSun, May 8National Holiday
SlovakiaSun, May 8National Holiday
UkraineSun, May 8Not A Public Holiday
Wallis and FutunaSun, May 8National Holiday
2021 Various May 8
Czech RepublicSat, May 8National Holiday
FranceSat, May 8National Holiday
French GuianaSat, May 8National Holiday
French PolynesiaSat, May 8National Holiday
GuadeloupeSat, May 8National Holiday
MartiniqueSat, May 8National Holiday
New CaledoniaSat, May 8National Holiday
Saint BarthélemySat, May 8National Holiday
Saint MartinSat, May 8National Holiday
SlovakiaSat, May 8National Holiday
UkraineSat, May 8Not A Public Holiday
Wallis and FutunaSat, May 8National Holiday

Victory in Europe Day marks May 8th 1945 when the Allies formally accepted an unconditional surrender by the armed forces of Germany

  Which countries observe V-E Day in 2025?
National Holiday Regional Holiday Not a public holiday Govt Holiday
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When is VE Day?

Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day or VE Day) is commemorated on May 8th.

It is a national holiday in France known as 'Victoire 1945' or 'La fête de la victoire' and the day is also celebrated as a holiday in several other countries in Europe.

History of VE Day

Victory in Europe Day marks May 8th 1945, on which day the second world war Allies formally accepted an unconditional surrender by the armed forces of Germany and the end of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich, after six years of the bloodiest conflict in human history.

On April 30th 1945, Hitler had committed suicide during the Battle for Berlin.

The surrender of Germany was authorized by his replacement, President of Germany, Karl Dönitz.

The administration headed up by Dönitz was known as the Flensburg government. Hitler had committed suicide a week earlier leaving Grand Admiral Donitz of the German army to admit defeat.

The act of military surrender was signed on May 7th 1945 in Reims, France, and May 8th 1945 in Berlin, Germany.

It was not until August that year that Japan surrendered after the US dropped the first two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Second World War came to an end six years and one day after it started on September 2nd 1945, when official surrender documents were signed on the deck of the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay by the Japanese.

In 2020, the Early May Bank Holiday in the United Kingdom was moved to May 8th to mark the 75th anniversary of V-E Day. The same change happened in 1995 to mark the 50th anniversary of V-E Day. 

In Russia and some other East European countries, this event is marked on Victory day on May 9th. It is a day later as the treaty was signed at 10.30 pm in the evening in Reims, to come into effect at 11.01 pm. As Russia is one hour ahead of Western Europe, this meant it was already May 9th in Russia.

Initially, this day was celebrated on May 9th in Slovakia but is now observed on May 8th.

Did you know?

The Times newspaper front page was reserved for adverts until 1966, so the end of the second world war on VE Day was page 6 news.

In Ukraine from 2015, May 8th was designated as a day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, but it is not a public holiday.

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