Independence Day in Togo in 2025

Independence Day in Togo in 2025
  How long until Independence Day?
Independence Day
  Dates of Independence Day in Togo
2025 Togo Sun, Apr 27 National Holiday
2024 Togo Sat, Apr 27 National Holiday
2023 Togo Thu, Apr 27 National Holiday
2022 Togo Wed, Apr 27 National Holiday
2021 Togo Tue, Apr 27 National Holiday

The Togolese Republic was proclaimed on April 27th 1960 as Togo gained independence from France

When is Independence Day in Togo?

Independence Day is a public holiday in Togo. It is observed on April 27th.

This day is the National Day of Togo and commemorates independence from France on April 27th 1960.

History of Independence Day in Togo

Starting in the 16th century, the coastal region around modern-day Togo became a major trading centre for Europeans to search for slaves, earning Togo and the surrounding region the name "The Slave Coast".

Did you know?

The name Togo comes from the language spoken by the local tribes and means "land where lagoons lie".

In 1884, Germany declared a region that included the area of modern-day Togo as a protectorate called Togoland.

Togoland was conquered by Anglo-French forces at the onset of World War I in 1914. Following Germany's defeat in 1918, the region was divided into British Togoland in the west and French Togoland in the east. Both Britain and France had mandates from the League of Nations, which became United Nations mandates from 1946.

In 1956, British Togoland voted to join Ghana when it gained its independence from Britain.

Did you know?

Togo is one of only two countries in Africa where more than 40% of its land is suitable for agriculture.

In 1959, French Togoland became an autonomous republic within the French Union. The Togolese Republic was proclaimed on April 27th 1960. Sylvanus Olympio became the first president after the first presidential elections in 1961.

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