Corpus Christi in Switzerland in 2025

  How long until Corpus Christi?
Corpus Christi
  Dates of Corpus Christi in Switzerland
2025 Jun 19
AargauThu, Jun 19Regional Holiday
Appenzell InnerrhodenThu, Jun 19Regional Holiday
FribourgThu, Jun 19Regional Holiday
JuraThu, Jun 19Regional Holiday
LucerneThu, Jun 19Regional Holiday
NidwaldenThu, Jun 19Regional Holiday
ObwaldenThu, Jun 19Regional Holiday
TicinoThu, Jun 19Regional Holiday
UriThu, Jun 19Regional Holiday
ValaisThu, Jun 19Regional Holiday
ZugThu, Jun 19Regional Holiday
2024 May 30
AargauThu, May 30Regional Holiday
Appenzell InnerrhodenThu, May 30Regional Holiday
FribourgThu, May 30Regional Holiday
JuraThu, May 30Regional Holiday
LucerneThu, May 30Regional Holiday
NidwaldenThu, May 30Regional Holiday
ObwaldenThu, May 30Regional Holiday
TicinoThu, May 30Regional Holiday
UriThu, May 30Regional Holiday
ValaisThu, May 30Regional Holiday
ZugThu, May 30Regional Holiday
2023 Jun 8
AargauThu, Jun 8Regional Holiday
Appenzell InnerrhodenThu, Jun 8Regional Holiday
FribourgThu, Jun 8Regional Holiday
JuraThu, Jun 8Regional Holiday
LucerneThu, Jun 8Regional Holiday
NidwaldenThu, Jun 8Regional Holiday
ObwaldenThu, Jun 8Regional Holiday
TicinoThu, Jun 8Regional Holiday
UriThu, Jun 8Regional Holiday
ValaisThu, Jun 8Regional Holiday
ZugThu, Jun 8Regional Holiday
2022 Jun 16
AargauThu, Jun 16Regional Holiday
Appenzell InnerrhodenThu, Jun 16Regional Holiday
FribourgThu, Jun 16Regional Holiday
JuraThu, Jun 16Regional Holiday
LucerneThu, Jun 16Regional Holiday
NidwaldenThu, Jun 16Regional Holiday
ObwaldenThu, Jun 16Regional Holiday
TicinoThu, Jun 16Regional Holiday
UriThu, Jun 16Regional Holiday
ValaisThu, Jun 16Regional Holiday
ZugThu, Jun 16Regional Holiday
2021 Jun 3
AargauThu, Jun 3Regional Holiday
Appenzell InnerrhodenThu, Jun 3Regional Holiday
FribourgThu, Jun 3Regional Holiday
JuraThu, Jun 3Regional Holiday
LucerneThu, Jun 3Regional Holiday
NidwaldenThu, Jun 3Regional Holiday
ObwaldenThu, Jun 3Regional Holiday
TicinoThu, Jun 3Regional Holiday
UriThu, Jun 3Regional Holiday
ValaisThu, Jun 3Regional Holiday
ZugThu, Jun 3Regional Holiday

The Feast of Corpus Christi is a Catholic festival celebrated on the second Thursday after Whitsun

  Local name
  Corpus Christi in other countries
Corpus Christi internationally
  Which regions observe Corpus Christi in 2025?
National Holiday Regional Holiday Not a public holiday Govt Holiday

Corpus Christi in Switzerland

In Switzerland, this is a regional holiday in Aargau, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Fribourg, Jura, Lucerne, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Ticino, Uri, Valais and Zug.

When is Corpus Christi?

The Feast of Corpus Christi ("Fronleichnam" in German) is a Catholic festival celebrated on the second Thursday after Whitsun.

Corpus Christi means the Body of Christ and refers to the elements of the Eucharist also called the Holy Communion, Last Supper or Lord's Supper.

In the Church of England, this day is called 'Day of Thanksgiving for the Institution of Holy Communion'.

History of Corpus Christi

The emergence of Corpus Christi as a Christian feast didn't happen until the second half of the thirteenth century with the efforts of a nun called Juliana of Liège.

Since childhood, Juliana had been claiming that God had been telling her that there should be a feast day for the Eucharist and eventually she petitioned the Bishop of Liège. In those days bishops could order feasts in their local dioceses. The bishop agreed to the feast and convened a synod in 1246 and ordered that a celebration of Corpus Christi should be held annually.

The Corpus Christi celebration only started to become more widespread after both Juliana and the Bishop had died. In 1264 Pope Urban IV issued the papal bull Transiturus in which Corpus Christi was made a feast throughout the entire Latin Rite. He fixed it for Thursday after the “octave” of Pentecost when only designated celebrations or special feasts were blessed. This feast is celebrated on a Thursday in remembrance of the institution of the Eucharist (the last supper) which takes place on Maundy Thursday, the eve of Jesus’ death on the Cross.

Corpus Christi is primarily a Roman Catholic feast, but it is also acknowledged in the calendar of a few Anglican churches, most notably the Church of England. It is also celebrated by some Western Rite Orthodox Christians. Across many parts of medieval Europe, Corpus Christi was a popular time for the performance of mystery plays.

Along with Lent, Advent, Easter, Pentecost and Christmas, Roman Catholic Bishops have a duty to be present at their cathedrals on Corpus Christi.

The festival of Corpus Christi gives rise in many places to a procession, during which the priest carries the Eucharist, on display in a special receptacle (called “monstrance”), in the middle of the streets and squares that were once richly decked out with draperies and garlands. The Blessed Sacrament is sheltered under a canopy.


In Valencia, Spain, Corpus Christi is one of the major festivals. It was first celebrated in 1335 and continuously since 1372. Rich in symbolism and representations about the mystery of life, harking back to the mystery plays of the middle ages, the festival takes place on the streets of Valencia on the eighth Sunday after Easter Sunday.


In Seville, Spain, the festival is also known as the ‘Thursday that shines brighter than the sun.’


In Mexico, as in other Latin American countries, the celebration of Corpus Christi is carried out with various processions. It is customary for children to be dressed as "inditos" on this day. The costume consists of wearing a blanket camisole and a moustache painted with burnt cork. The girls wear a skirt, also called a chincuete, and both decorate their clothes with guaraches and baskets full of fruit or sweets.

The custom of Corpus Christi dates back to the first settlers, who on the days of the festival, arrived at the center of the city accompanied with their mules, adorned with flowers or colored fabrics, in turn, loaded merchandise to be sold to the population.

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