All Saints' Day in Spain in 2025

  How long until All Saints' Day?
All Saints' Day
  Dates of All Saints' Day in Spain
2026 Nov 1, Nov 2
Castile and LeónMon, Nov 2Regional Holiday (in lieu)
SpainSun, Nov 1Public Holiday
2025 Spain Sat, Nov 1 Public Holiday
2024 Spain Fri, Nov 1 Public Holiday
2023 Spain Wed, Nov 1 Public Holiday
2022 Spain Tue, Nov 1 Public Holiday

Pope Boniface IV dedicated the day as a holiday to honour the Blessed Virgin Mary and all martyrs

  Local name
Día de todos los Santos
  All Saints' Day in other countries
All Saints' Day internationally
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All Saints' Day in Spain

In Spain, All Saints' Day is called 'Día de todos los Santos' and is a day to honour the dead. As it is a national holiday, council and Government offices will be closed, as will banks and some public services.

When is All Saint's Day?

All Saints’ Day is generally celebrated on 1st November as a commemoration day for all Christian saints. It may also be known as All Hallows' Day, Solemnity of All Saints, Hallowmas, or Feast of Saints.

Traditions of All Saints' Day

The origin of All Saints' Day may date back to a Greek Christian tradition from the 4th century when a festival was held to honour saints and martyrs on the Sunday following Pentecost.

The first recorded All Saints’ Day occurred on May 13th 609 AD when Pope Boniface IV accepted the Pantheon in Rome as a gift from Emperor Phocas. The Pope dedicated the day as a holiday to honour the Blessed Virgin and all the martyrs. 

In 835 AD, during the reign of Pope Gregory III, the festival was moved to 1st November and was expanded to include the honouring of all saints, including those whose sainthood is only known to God.

It is likely that 1st November was intentionally chosen to replace the pagan feast of the dead, Samhain. The night before Samhain was a time when evil spirits roamed the land looking for humans. To confuse the spirits, people would dress up as creatures. This tradition carried on after November 1st became a Christian festival, hence the name of Halloween - which is a shortened version of All Hallows' Eve.

The day survived the Reformation, though the Protestants combined it with All Souls’ Day, which was on November 2nd.

The day was abolished as a church festival in 1770, but may be celebrated by many churches on the first Sunday in November.

In Roman Catholicism, All Saints' Day is a Holy Day of Obligation. This means Catholics must go to Mass on the date unless there is a good reason not to attend, such as illness. Whenever November 1st falls on a Monday or a Saturday adjacent to the Sunday sabbath, Catholics are encouraged but not required to attend mass.

The holiday is typically observed with a reading of the Beatitudes, eight blessings given in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount as recounted in the Gospel of Matthew.

In recent years, it has become common in many churches to commemorate those who died during the year on the day itself.

The tradition of placing candles on the graves the evening before All Saints’ Eve is becoming more common.

All Saints Day around the world

Which countries observe All Saints Day as a Public Holiday?

Which countries observe All Saints Day with a Public Holiday?

Finland, Sweden

In Finland and Sweden, All Saints Day is celebrated on the Saturday between 31 October and 6 November.


In the Netherlands, this holiday is observed on the first Sunday in November, but it is not a public holiday.

Spanish Traditions of All Saints' Day

Families will typically gather at their local cemetery to pay respect to the departed. They may clean and decorate family tombstones with flowers and mass will be performed at the cemetery during the day.  It is also common to have a family meal after visiting the cemetery.

All Saints' Day is the day in the year when florists sell the most flowers.

A typical snack on All Saints' Day is roasted chestnuts (castañas). In Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands, 'Panellets', made from almonds, potato, sugar and pine nuts, are a popular treat to eat on All Saints' Day.

Other treats include buñelos de viento. Folklore has it that these dough fritters, often filled with custard, chocolate and cream, release a soul from purgatory when eaten. The marzipan flavoured huesos de santo (saint’s bones) are also a popular snack.

Some autonomous communities have their own traditions.

For example, in some areas of Galicia 'Samhain' is celebrated, in the Basque Country the 'Gaztañerre Eguna' and in Catalonia the 'Castanyada'. A typical treat in all of them, is to roast chestnuts in the fire.

In Cadiz, on November 1st they celebrate the "Fiesta de Tosantos", a day in which the local markets turn in to parties where the vendors dress up.

Another of the most important fairs of these dates is the Fair of "Tots els Sants" of Cocentaina (Alicante), where a large market is made with seasonal products and cultural activities.

In the Canary Islands, families gather to eat and stories and anecdotes of the deceased are remembered in the "Fiesta los Finaos".

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