Polling Day in Singapore in 2024

Polling Day in Singapore in 2024
Image via Office Holidays
  How long until Polling Day?
There are no upcoming dates for this event
  Dates of Polling Day in Singapore
2020 Singapore Fri, Jul 10 National Holiday
2015 Singapore Fri, Sep 11 National Holiday

Polling day at a general election in Singapore is a public holiday, and voting is compulsory.

About Elections in Singapore

General elections in Singapore must be held within three months after five years have elapsed from the date of the first sitting of a particular Parliament of Singapore. 

Under the law, Polling Day at any General Election is a public holiday and every employer should allow every elector in his employ a reasonable period of time for voting. This is needed as voting is compulsory.

Unless the returning officer decides otherwise, polling stations are open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Voters must go to the polling stations assigned to them.

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