Independence Day in Senegal in 2025

Independence Day in Senegal in 2025
African Renaissance Monument (Le Monument de la Renaissance Africaine), Dakar.
  How long until Independence Day?
Independence Day
  Dates of Independence Day in Senegal
2025 Senegal Fri, Apr 4 National Holiday
2024 Senegal Thu, Apr 4 National Holiday
2023 Senegal Tue, Apr 4 National Holiday
2022 Senegal Mon, Apr 4 National Holiday
2021 Senegal Sun, Apr 4 National Holiday

Celebrates independence and the transfer of power agreement signed with France on 4 April 1960

  Local name
Le jour de l'indépendance

When is Senegal Independence Day?

In Senegal, Independence Day is a public holiday celebrated on April 4th.

This day is the National Day of Senegal and celebrates independence from France on April 4th 1960.

History of Senegal Independence Day

From the 15th century, the region now known as Senegal had attracted the attention of the European colonial powers.

By the end of the 17th century, France had taken control of the area around modern Dakar as effectively a staging post for the Atlantic slave trade. It wasn't until the middle of the 19th century that the French extended their control deeper into the mainland, taking over almost all the local kingdoms.

In April 1959 Senegal merged with the French Sudan to form the Mali Federation. A transfer of power agreement was signed with France on 4 April 1960, which led to formal independence on June 20th 1960.

The Mali Federation proved to be very short-lived and broke up on August 20th 1960, when Senegal proclaimed its independence. A month later French Sudan (later renamed the Republic of Mali) followed suit.

Mali doesn't celebrate the independence from France as their National Day. Instead they observe September 22nd, the date of their independence as Republic of Mali from the Mali Federation.

Léopold Sédar Senghor became Senegal's first president in September 1960, leading the country until he retired in 1980. He was followed by Abdou Diouf who was also president for twenty years, giving the fledgeling nation a continuity in leadership rare in the region.

The day is marked by a parade by the armed forces in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. Other festivities include music, parades and indulging in delicious cuisine—like the national dish of thieboudienne, a Senegalese Jollof rice traditionally served with vegetables and marinated fish. 

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