Renaissance Day in Oman in 2025

Renaissance Day in Oman in 2025
The late Sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said al Said.
  How long until Renaissance Day?
There are no upcoming dates for this event
  Dates of Renaissance Day in Oman
2019 Oman Tue, Jul 23 National Holiday
2018 Oman Mon, Jul 23 National Holiday
2017 Oman Sun, Jul 23 National Holiday
2016 Oman Sat, Jul 23 National Holiday
2015 Oman Thu, Jul 23 National Holiday

Renaissance Day in Oman marks the first day of the reign of Qaboos bin Said al Said who came to power on 23 July 1970 and ruled until his death in January 2020.

When is Renaissance Day?

Renaissance Day was a public holiday in Oman on July 23rd. In April 2020, when a royal decree on public holidays was issued, it was announced that Renaissance Day is now cancelled.

It was an official holiday for employees at ministries, public authorities and other government departments as well as employees in the private sector.

It marked the first day of the reign of Qaboos bin Said al Said who came to power on July 23rd 1970 and ruled the country until his death in January 2020.

History of Renaissance Day

Said bin Tamur became the sultan of Muscat and Oman in 1932. His rule was seen as isolationist and not using the revenue from the recently discovered oil reserves for the benefit of the country. His rule had also become threatened by rebellions from leftist insurgents.

His son, Qaboos bin Said al Said had been educated abroad, but on his return to the country in 1966, he was virtually placed under house arrest within the Sultan's Palace by his father, refusing to let Qaboos participate in any decisions about the country.

In 1970, Qaboos staged a successful coup and exiled his father to the UK. Qaboos ascended to the throne on July 23rd 1970 and united Muscat and Oman into a single state, named the Sultanate of Oman.

Qaboos then began an extensive series of reforms aimed at ending Oman's isolation and developing the country. The reforms led to radical changes to various industries, education, health, infrastructure, trade, agriculture, and all aspects of social life while preserving the country's rich culture and heritage.

These changes are why the anniversary of the date of the start of his reign is called 'Renaissance Day', marking the beginning of the transition of Oman from a poor, inward-facing country to a rich, modern state.

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