Cinco de Mayo in Mexico in 2025

Cinco de Mayo in Mexico in 2025
  How long until Cinco de Mayo?
Cinco de Mayo
  Dates of Cinco de Mayo in Mexico
2025 Puebla Mon, May 5 Regional Holiday
2024 Puebla Sun, May 5 Regional Holiday
2023 Puebla Fri, May 5 Regional Holiday
2022 Puebla Thu, May 5 Regional Holiday
2021 Puebla Wed, May 5 Regional Holiday

Cinco de Mayo is one of two days, which mark Mexicos independence from foreign rulers

When is Cinco de Mayo?

Cinco de Mayo (May 5) is one of two days, which mark Mexico’s independence from foreign rulers. Mexico’s official independence day (el Dieciseis de Septiembre ) is celebrated on September 16.

Cinco de Mayo is considered a day of great importance but is a public holiday in Puebla only.

It marks the day in 1862, when President Benito Juarez sent troops to face an invading French army that was marching toward Mexico City.

History of Cinco de Mayo

After the end of the Mexican-American War (1846-48), Mexico was in a state of national crisis . Years of fighting with the Americans and a civil war had left the country in chaos and virtually penniless.

On July 17, 1861, President Benito Juarez announced that all foreign debt payments would be suspended for a period of two years, promising that payments would resume after this brief break.

The English, Spanish and French refused to accept the suspension of payments and invaded Mexico, in an attempt to enforce Mexico to make their payments. The Spanish and English eventually withdrew their forces, but the French carried on.

On May 5, in the little town of Puebla, a small, untrained, and under-equipped army defeated the invading French army in what came to be known as the "Batalla de Puebla" on the fifth of May.

Cinco de Mayo in the USA

In addition to its importance in Mexico, Cinco de Mayo is significant to many Americans.

In fact, the United States celebrates Cinco de Mayo on a much larger scale than Mexico, with parades, battle re-enactments, mariachi music, traditional foods, piñatas and fireworks mark the day. Though for many years Cinco de Mayo celebrations in the US inaccurately promoted Cinco de Mayo as Mexican Independence Day.

Cinco de Mayo is a day to celebrate freedom and liberty, and although Mexican citizens feel very proud of the meaning of Cinco de Mayo it is not a national holiday in Mexico, but it is a school holiday and an official holiday in the State of Puebla where the mentioned battle took place.

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