Independence Day in Kosovo in 2025

Independence Day in Kosovo in 2025
  How long until Independence Day?
Independence Day
  Dates of Independence Day in Kosovo
2026 Kosovo Tue, Feb 17 National Holiday
2025 Kosovo Mon, Feb 17 National Holiday
2024 Feb 17, Feb 19
KosovoMon, Feb 19National Holiday (in lieu)
KosovoSat, Feb 17National Holiday
2023 Kosovo Fri, Feb 17 National Holiday
2022 Kosovo Thu, Feb 17 National Holiday

Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia on February 17th 2008

  Local name
Dita e Pavarësisë

When is Kosovo Independence Day?

Independence Day in Kosovo is a national holiday observed on February 17th. If this holiday falls on a weekend, the following Monday will be observed as a public holiday.

This day commemorates the declaration of independence on this day in 2008.

History of Kosovo Independence Day

The Republic of Kosovo is a partially-recognized state and disputed territory at the heart of the Balkans in South-eastern Europe.

In the middle ages, control of the region of Kosovo passed between the Bulgarians, the Byzantine and the Serbian Empire.

In June 1389, the Battle of Kosovo resulted in Kosovo becoming part of the Ottoman Empire for the next 500 years, forever changing the ethnic balance in Kosovo.

Following their defeat in the Balkan Wars in 1912, the Ottomans ceded Kosovo to Serbia and Montenegro under the Treaty of London.

After World War II, Kosovo became part of Yugoslavia as an autonomous region with Serbia. With the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991, tensions grew between Albanian and Serbian ethnic groups in Kosovo, leading to the Kosovo War in 1998 and UN intervention.

On February 17th 2008, Kosovo unilaterally declared its independence from Serbia. Serbia saw this declaration as illegal and while they have recently accepted the institutions of Kosovo, they still regard it as an autonomous region with Serbia. Kosovo is recognized as an independent state by 103 out of 193 United Nations member states.

Did you know?

Even though Kosovo is not a member of the European Union, the official currency is the Euro.

How is Kosovo Independence Day Celebrated?

People from all around the region visit the Newborn Monument, an award-winning typographic sculpture created to mark Kosovo’s independence. Traditional musicians can be found everywhere throughout the festivities, as music is central to the festivities. Because more than 90% of Kosovars are ethnic Albanians, Kosovo’s music is heavily inspired by Albanian music.

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