Independence Day in Israel in 2025

Independence Day in Israel in 2025
  How long until Independence Day?
Independence Day
  Dates of Independence Day in Israel
2025 Israel Thu, May 1 Public Holiday
2024 Israel Tue, May 14 Public Holiday
2023 Israel Wed, Apr 26 Public Holiday
2022 Israel Thu, May 5 Public Holiday
2021 Israel Thu, Apr 15 Public Holiday

Israeli Independence Day commemorates the declaration of independence of Israel in 1948

  Local name
Yom Ha'atzma'ut
Related holidays

When is Independence Day in Israel?

Yom Ha'atzma'ut, Israeli Independence Day, commemorates the declaration of independence of Israel in 1948 and is the official national holiday of the state and the only official non-working day in Israel.

The holiday is celebrated on the fifth day of the Hebrew month of Lyar. The holiday is transferred to the preceding Thursday if 5 Iyar falls on Friday or Saturday.

History of Israeli Independence Day

The Gregorian date for the day in which Israel independence was proclaimed is May 14th, 1948 when David ben Gurion publicly read the Proclamation of the Establishment of the State of Israel, and the end of the British Mandate in Israel.

How is Independence Day in Israel celebrated?

An official ceremony is held every year on Mount Herzl on the eve of Yom Ha'atzma'ut. The ceremony includes speeches from senior Israeli officials, an artistic part, a ritual march of soldiers carrying the Flag of Israel, forming elaborate structures (such as a Menorah, Magen David and a number which represents the age of Israel) and the lighting of twelve beacons (each for every one of the Tribes of Israel).

Each year, dozens of Israeli citizens who contributed to the state, are selected to light the beacons.

The annual international Bible Quiz competition finals take place after the ceremony.

A highlight of the day is the cross-country flyover of military jets and helicopters.

Independence Day is preceded by Memorial Day (Yom Hazikaron) which has been Israel's official remembrance day since it was enacted into law in 1963. As well as the traditional remembrance of those who have fallen while on active duty for their country, the day also commemorates the civilian victims of terrorism.

The juxtaposition of the two days is a key element of the experience of national independence, ensuring that the celebrations of independence are not fully separated from an awareness of the cost of the achievement, often gained through the sacrifice of the fallen and their families. 

*Like other Jewish holidays, Yom Ha'atzma'ut will begin at sundown on the previous day.

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