Birthday of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah in Jammu and Kashmir in 2024

Birthday of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah in Jammu and Kashmir in 2024
Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah has featured on Indian stamps.
  How long until Birthday of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah?
There are no upcoming dates for this event
  Dates of Birthday of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah in Jammu and Kashmir
2019 Thu, Dec 5Regional Holiday
2018 Wed, Dec 5Regional Holiday
2017 Tue, Dec 5Regional Holiday
2016 Mon, Dec 5Regional Holiday

A Kashmiri politician who played a central role in the politics of Jammu and Kashmir

Mohammed Abdullah Sheikh was a Kashmiri politician who played a key role in India’s struggle for independence from British rule.

Known as the 'Lion of Kashmir', Abdullah fought for the rights of the Kashmir region and won a semiautonomous status for Jammu and Kashmir state within independent India.

Abdullah was born on December 5th 1905 near Srinagar, Kashmir (in modern-day Jammu and Kashmir state).

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