Semana Morazánica in Honduras in 2024

Semana Morazánica in Honduras in 2024
  How long until Semana Morazánica?
There are no upcoming dates for this event
  Dates of Semana Morazánica in Honduras
2024 Oct 1, Oct 2
HondurasWed, Oct 2Government Holiday
HondurasTue, Oct 1Government Holiday
2023 Oct 2, Oct 3
HondurasTue, Oct 3Government Holiday
HondurasMon, Oct 2Government Holiday
2022 Oct 3, Oct 4
HondurasTue, Oct 4Government Holiday
HondurasMon, Oct 3Government Holiday
2021 Oct 4, Oct 5
HondurasTue, Oct 5Government Holiday
HondurasMon, Oct 4Government Holiday
2020 Oct 5, Oct 6
HondurasTue, Oct 6Government Holiday
HondurasMon, Oct 5Government Holiday

Three public holidays in October are combined to create a long break at the start of October

Three October public holidays in Honduras are bundled together into three consecutive days to create a longer break at the start of October. For the private sector, holidays start at noon on the first Wednesday in October.

Workers in the public sector enjoy a full week of holidays.

The holidays are named the Morazánica Holidays as they revolve around the first of the October holidays, Francisco Morazán's Birthday which takes place on October 3rd.

The long break is intended to promote tourism in the country.

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