World Children's Day in Thuringia in 2025

World Children's Day in Thuringia in 2025
  How long until World Children's Day?
World Children's Day
  Dates of World Children's Day in Thuringia
2026 Sun, Sep 20Regional Holiday
2025 Sat, Sep 20Regional Holiday
2024 Fri, Sep 20Regional Holiday
2023 Wed, Sep 20Regional Holiday
2022 Tue, Sep 20Regional Holiday

The World Conference for the Well-being of Children in Geneva, Switzerland, proclaimed June 1st to be International Children's Day in 1925

  Local name
  World Children's Day in other countries
World Children's Day internationally
Related holidays

When is International Children's Day?

International Children's Day is a public holiday observed in some countries on June 1st.

History of International Children's Day

The origin of this holiday goes back to 1925 when representatives from different countries met in Geneva, Switzerland to convene the first "World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children".

After the conference, some governments around the world designated a day as Children's Day to highlight children's issues. There was no specific date recommended, so countries used whatever date was most relevant to their culture.

The date of June 1st is used by many ex-Soviet countries as 'The International Day for Protection of Children' was established on 1 June 1950 following the Women's International Democratic Federation's congress in Moscow that took place in 1949.

With the creation of World Children's Day, UN member states recognized children, regardless of race, colour, sex, religion and national or social origin, the right to affection, love, understanding, adequate food, medical care, free education, protection against all forms of exploitation and growing in a climate of universal peace and brotherhood.

Many countries have established a Children's Day but this is commonly not observed as a public holiday. For instance, some countries observe Children's' Day on November 20th as Universal Children’s Day. This day was established by the United Nations in 1954 and aims to promote the welfare of children around the world.

Choosing a Date in Germany

In Germany, when the country was still divided, East Germany (GDR) celebrated International Children's Day (Internationaler Kindertag) on 1st June, West Germany (FRG) celebrated World Children's Day (Weltkindertag) on 20th September.

After the reunification of East and West Germany occurred in 1990, World Children's Day was adopted as the official day for reunited Germany. Though in many parts of East Germany, many parents still celebrate Children's Day on the former date of 1 June.

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