Birth Anniversary Of Guru Rinpoche in Bhutan in 2025

Birth Anniversary Of Guru Rinpoche in Bhutan in 2025
The sacred Thongdrol of Guru Rinphoche is unfurled early in the morning on the last day of Thimphu Tshechu Image by His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck , via Facebook
  How long until Birth Anniversary Of Guru Rinpoche?
Birth Anniversary Of Guru Rinpoche
  Dates of Birth Anniversary Of Guru Rinpoche in Bhutan
2025 Bhutan Sat, Jul 5 National Holiday
2024 Bhutan Sun, Jun 16 National Holiday
2023 Bhutan Wed, Jun 28 National Holiday
2022 Bhutan Sat, Jul 9 National Holiday
2021 Bhutan Sun, Jun 20 National Holiday

Guru Rinpoche, was an 8th-century Buddhist master from the Indian subcontinent, venerated as a "second Buddha" in Tibetan Buddhism.

When is the Birth Anniversary of Guru Rinpoche

The Birth Anniversary of Guru Rinpoche is a national holiday in Bhutan, observed on the tenth day of the sixth lunar month, which falls in June or July in the western calendar.

History of the Birth Anniversary of Guru Rinpoche

Guru Rinpoche is also known as Padmasambhava, which means "Lotus-born". According to tradition, it is said that Rinpoche was born as an eight-year-old boy within a lotus flower on the lake of Dhanakosha in Oddiyana. Scholars will differ on the location of  Oddiyana, with some saying it was on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan, though some have made a case for it being located in Odisha, India.

The exact year of his birth isn't recorded, but it was in the 8th century, and it is accepted by believers that he was born on the tenth day of the sixth lunar moon.

Padmasambhava is credited with bringing Buddhism to Bhutan and defeating demons who wanted to stop the spread of Buddhism. He became known as Guru Rinpoche which means "Precious Teacher".

It is said that he changed his consort into a tigress and travelled on its back to a cave in Bhutan where he meditated for three years, three months, three days and three hours. The famous Tiger's Nest (Paro Taktsang) temple is said to have been built around this cave.

His Birth Anniversary is celebrated with religious services in Buddhist temples across Bhutan.

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