George Price Day in Belize in 2026

George Price Day in Belize in 2026
The importance of St. George's Caye is reflected on Belize’s five-dollar bill which depicts a map of the island.
  How long until George Price Day?
George Price Day
  Dates of George Price Day in Belize
2026 Belize Thu, Jan 15 Public and Bank Holiday
2025 Belize Wed, Jan 15 Public and Bank Holiday
2024 Belize Mon, Jan 15 Public and Bank Holiday
2023 Belize Mon, Jan 16 Public and Bank Holiday (in lieu)
2022 Belize Sat, Jan 15 Public and Bank Holiday

A public holiday dedicated to the Father of the Nation and National Hero.

When is George Price Day?

George Price Day is a Public and Bank Holiday in Belize on January 15th each year. Depending on which day of the week George Price Day falls on, the date of the Public and Bank Holiday may change.

The holiday is dedicated to the 'Father of the Nation' and National Hero, Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price. Note that Price is also one of the heroes recognised in National Heroes and Benefactors Day, a public and bank holiday in Belize on March 9th each year. 

About George Price Day

George Price was born on January 15th 1919. Price served twice as the head of government of Belize from 1961–1984 and 1989–1993. He served as First Minister and Premier under British rule until independence in 1981 and was the nation's first prime minister after independence that year.

He is considered to have been one of the principal architects of Belizean independence and as such is referred to by many as the "Father of the Nation". 

In September 2000, Price became the first person to receive Belize's highest honour, the Order of National Hero, for the prominent role he played in leading his country to independence.

Price died on September 19th 2011, at the age of 92.

Speaking at a wreath-laying ceremony for Price in 2021, People’s United Party Chairman, Henry Charles Usher, said: "... even though we have so many national heroes, we only have one Father of the nation, and that is the right honourable George Price. And so it is important for this country to come together, to be united and to celebrate George Price Day for what it represents."

In January 2022,  Prime Minister John Briceño extolled the legacy of  Price. Briceño quoted with agreement former People’s United Party leader and Prime Minister Right Honourable Said Musa’s summing up of Price’s legacy: “To think of George Price is to think of Belize. His life, beliefs, and values have been the guiding light in the destiny of Belize, taking it from a once backwater colony of Britain to a young, dynamic, sovereign, democratic Central American State in the Caribbean region.”

This Public and Bank Holiday was announced by the Government of Belize and gazetted on December 30th 2020. Before then September 19th had been observed as a National Service Day in Belize to commemorate his contribution to Belize.

Belize’s admiration for Price was strengthened in September 2024, when his statue was inaugurated in his honour in Battlefield Park, Belize City. The 16-foot statue was unveiled, showing Price in his iconic Guayabera shirt.

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