National Day around the world in 2025

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National Day
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2026 AustriaOct 26
Austria Mon, Oct 26National Holiday
2025 AustriaOct 26
Austria Sun, Oct 26National Holiday
2024 AustriaOct 26
Austria Sat, Oct 26National Holiday
2023 AustriaOct 26
Austria Thu, Oct 26National Holiday
2022 AustriaOct 26
Austria Wed, Oct 26National Holiday

Austria's National Day commemorates the Declaration of Neutrality enacted on 26th October 1955

When is Austria's National Day?

Austria's national holiday (German: Nationalfeiertag) is a public holiday on October 26th each year.

This public holiday commemorates Austria's Declaration of Neutrality on this day in 1955.

History of Austria's National Day

The Declaration of Neutrality was a declaration by the Austrian Parliament declaring the country permanently neutral. It was enacted on October 26th 1955 as a constitutional act of parliament.

The declaration was a direct result of the allied occupation by the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and France between 1945 and 1955. The Soviet Union would not have agreed to the signing of a State Treaty in May 1955 if Austria had not committed itself to declare its neutrality after the allied forces had left the country. The final foreign troops left Austria on October 25th 1955.

Since 1955, neutrality has become a deeply ingrained element of Austrian identity. Legally, Austrian neutrality is both a part of the Austrian constitution and of international law. There is some debate as to whether Austria could change this neutral status on its own account and whether Austria is still truly neutral, given it is a member of the EU.

How is Austria's National Day celebrated?

The day is celebrated each year with a series of events in Vienna:

  • the Federal President and the Federal Minister for Defense attend a Mass on the Heldenplatz
  • the Federal President followed by the Federal Government lay wreaths at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the Crypt of the outer Burgtor
  • a special meeting of the Council of Ministers is held
  • the government attends a Concert for Austria at the Vienna Staatsoper and
  • finally, the new recruits of the Austrian Armed Service are sworn in.

On National Day, Austrian citizens can visit any federal museum for free. Various institutions also traditionally open their doors for the day (ie. the Federal Chancellery). Around the country so-called "marches for fitness" are organized to raise awareness among the population about the benefits of exercise and fitness.

Traditionally, Austrian Embassies around the world celebrate National Day by opening their doors for receptions and other events to honor the nation’s history and give Austrian citizens staying abroad a taste of home. 

Happy National Day, Austria! Einen schönen Nationalfeiertag, Österreich! 

Did you know?

Three facts about National Day

Austria is a neutral country and the only continental European Union nation that is not a member of NATO.

The Austrian flag is one of the oldest national flags. The red and white stripes are first recorded in 1191, when Duke Leopold V fought in the siege of Acre during the Third Crusade. It was officially adopted as the national flag in 1918.

Reaching a height of 380 metres, the Krimml Falls (Krimmler Wasserfalle), in High Tauern National Park in Salzburg state, Austria, are Europe's tallest waterfalls.

More facts about National Day

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