Independence Day in Argentina in 2025

  How long until Independence Day?
Independence Day
  Dates of Independence Day in Argentina
2025 Argentina Wed, Jul 9 National Holiday
2024 Argentina Tue, Jul 9 National Holiday
2023 Argentina Sun, Jul 9 National Holiday
2022 Argentina Sat, Jul 9 National Holiday
2021 Argentina Fri, Jul 9 National Holiday

Independence of Argentina from Spain was declared on 9 July 1816.

  Local name
Día de la Independencia

When is Argentine Independence day?

Argentine Independence Day (Spanish: Día de la Independencia) is always celebrated on 9th July.

This national public holiday marks Argentina's independence from Spain which was declared on 9 July 1816.

History of Argentine Independence Day

Six years after the creation of the first Argentine government on 25 May 1810, delegates from the United Provinces of South America declared themselves independent from Spain on 9 July 1816.

The delegates gathered at a family home in Tucumán. The home remains and has been turned into a museum known as the Casa Histórica de la Independencia.

Did you know?

Argentina takes its name from a legend that the country contained silver mountains. 'Argentum' is the Latin for silver.

After European explorers arrived in the region in the early part of the sixteenth century, Spain quickly established a permanent colony on the site of modern-day Buenos Aires in 1580.

During the early part of its history, Argentina was largely a country of Spanish immigrants and their descendants (known as creoles). The population was split between those who lived in Buenos Aires and other cities, with others living on the pampas as gauchos.

Descendants of African slaves were also present in significant numbers. The Indigenous peoples of the region inhabited much of the rest of Argentina.

In 1806 and 1807 the British Empire launched two invasions of Buenos Aires but were repelled on both occasions by the Creole population. This ability to lead a military campaign against foreign forces bolstered the idea that they could win a war for independence.

On 28 May 1810, when rumors about the overthrow of King Ferdinand VII by Napoleon proved to be true, the citizens of Buenos Aires took advantage of the situation and created their First Government Junta.

The defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1816 then led to the opportunity for the provinces to unite and declare independence.

Did you know?

The Avenida 9 de Julio - or July 9 Avenue - located in Buenos Aires is the widest street in the world. The street has a total of twelve lanes, or six on each side.

How is Argentine Independence Day celebrated?

Despite many changes to the form of government, lands included in the original declaration and even civil war since the events of July 1816, the date of 9th July has endured as the day to mark Argentina's independence.

The day is celebrated by patriotic events such as speeches, parades and military demonstrations and is a popular time for family reunions.

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