National Holidays in Trinidad and Tobago in 2019

Trinidad and Tobago 2019
Trinidad and Tobago

List of Holidays in Trinidad and Tobago in 2019

Day Date Holiday Name Type Comments
Tuesday New Year's Day National Holiday
Monday Carnival Monday Not A Public Holiday Most businesses are closed
Tuesday Carnival Tuesday Not A Public Holiday Most businesses are closed
Saturday Spiritual Baptist Day National Holiday
Friday Good Friday National Holiday
Sunday Easter Day National Holiday
Monday Easter Monday National Holiday
Thursday Indian Arrival Day National Holiday
Wednesday Eid-ul-Fitr National Holiday End of Ramadan
Wednesday Labor Day National Holiday
Thursday Corpus Christi National Holiday second Thursday after Whitsun
Thursday Emancipation Day National Holiday
Saturday Independence Day National Holiday National Day
Tuesday Republic Day National Holiday
Sunday Divali National Holiday Dewali
Wednesday Christmas Day National Holiday
Thursday Boxing Day National Holiday


  • If a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the Monday immediately following.
  • If two public holidays fall on the same day, the following day is also given as a public holiday.
  • Most businesses are closed on Carnival Monday and Tuesday, even though these days are not public holidays.
  • At the discretion of the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, any other date may also be declared a public holiday.

Trinidad and Tobago Holiday News