Day Guide for Thursday August 5th 2021 What are the holidays on August 5th 2021?

This is our day guide for Thursday August 5th 2021 which shows you at a glance what's happening on this day around the world. Using the calendar on this page, you can look at a day guide for any day. Why not look up your birthday to see which holidays you share it with?

Holidays on August 5th 2021

Anguilla: August Thursday

The highlight of August Thursday is the boat race that starts from Meads Bay

Burkina Faso: Independence Day

Marks independence from French rule on August 5th 1960

Croatia: Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day

The full title of the holiday is 'Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian Defenders'


El Salvador (regional): Fiestas Patronales Holiday

The Fiesta de San Salvador celebrates the country

Myanmar: Public Holiday

Myanmar has announced five days of public holidays to curb the spread of COVID-19.


Spain (regional): Our Lady of Africa

The Church of Santa María de África was consecrated on August 5th 1752

Observances on August 5th 2021

USA: National Oyster Day

Don't clam up - here's some pearls of wisdom for National Oyster Day

USA: National Underwear Day

This is a brief, some would say pants, description of National Underwear Day

International: International Traffic Light Day

Ready, Steady, Go! This day highlights the importance of Traffic Lights.

International: International IPA Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of International IPA Day.

United Kingdom: Cycle to Work Day

Encouraging workers all around the country to get on their bikes and get into work the best way possible – on two wheels!

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General Information for August 5th 2021
There are 6 public holidays today.
Day 217 of 2021
148 days left in 2021
Week 31 of the year
On this Day in History
1995 - Yugoslav Wars: The city of Knin, a significant Serb stronghold, is captured by Croatian forces during Operation Storm. The date is celebrated in Croatia as Victory Day.
1963 - The United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union sign a nuclear test ban treaty.
1960 - Burkina Faso, then known as Upper Volta, becomes independent from France.
1888 - Bertha Benz drives from Mannheim to Pforzheim and back in the first long distance automobile trip, commemorated as the Bertha Benz Memorial Route since 2008.