Day Guide for Saturday June 26th 2021 What are the holidays on June 26th 2021?

This is our day guide for Saturday June 26th 2021 which shows you at a glance what's happening on this day around the world. Using the calendar on this page, you can look at a day guide for any day. Why not look up your birthday to see which holidays you share it with?

Holidays on June 26th 2021

Finland: Midsummer Day

Midsummer in Finland was originally a pagan festival that celebrates the longest day of the year

Madagascar: Independence Day

Madagascar gained full independence from France on June 26th 1960

Somalia: Independence Day

Marks the independence of British Somaliland on June 26th 1960. Five days later it joined Italian Somaliiland as the Somali Republic.

Sweden: Midsummer Day

Originally a pagan festival that celebrates the longest day of the year

Observances on June 26th 2021

United Kingdom: Armed Forces Day

Armed Forces Day is a chance to show your support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving troops to Service families, veterans and cadets.

United Nations: International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 

Find out the dates, history and traditions of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 

USA: National Chocolate Pudding Day

National Chocolate Pudding Day is a wonderful opportunity to indulge in one of America's favorite desserts.

USA: National Beautician’s Day

Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Beautician’s Day

United Nations: International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 

Torture seeks to annihilate the victim’s personality and denies the inherent dignity of the human being.

June 25th 2021 | Go to Today | June 27th 2021

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General Information for June 26th 2021
There are 4 public holidays today.
Day 177 of 2021
188 days left in 2021
Week 25 of the year
On this Day in History
1975 - English conductor Basil Cameron, the quiet Maestro, dies at Leominster in the County of Herefordshire, England.
1964 - The Beatles' first album that contained entirely original material, A Hard Day's Night, is released in the USA.
1870 - Wagner's Opera Die Walküre, the second part of the Ring Cycle, is premiered at the Court Theatre in Munich.
1483 - Gloucester accepts the throne and the reign of Richard III begins.