Holiday Guide for Norway in 2021

Norway 2021

Norway information

Population: 5.38m
Capital: Oslo
Calling Code: (47)
Time Zone: +1 UTC
Currency: Norwegian krone
Language: Norwegian

List of National Holidays in Norway in 2021

New Year's Day

 Long Weekend! 
New Year's Day (Første nyttårsdag)

Norway: New Year's Day is a public holiday in all countries that observe the Gregorian calendar, with the exception of Israel

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday (Skjærtorsdag)

Norway: Also Known as Holy Thursday, Maundy Thursday commemorates the last supper and established the ceremony known as the Eucharist

Good Friday

 Long Weekend! 
Good Friday (Langfredag)

Norway: Good Friday occurs on the Friday before Easter. The day commemorates the Crucifixion of Jesus.


Easter (Første påskedag)

Norway: Easter Sunday is the most important date in the Christian church. In the bible, it is the day when Mary Magdalene found that an empty tomb in the cave in which Jesus had been placed.

Easter Monday

 Long Weekend! 
Easter Monday (Andre påskedag)

Norway: Easter is probably the most important holiday of the Christian year, celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus

Labour Day

Labour Day (Første mai)

Norway: This holiday is most commonly associated as a commemoration of the achievements of the labour movement

Ascension Day

Ascension Day (Kristi hilmmelfartsdag)

Norway: This day observes the departure of Jesus from earth after his resurrection. It is perhaps the earliest observed celebration in Christianity.

Constitution Day

 Long Weekend! 
Constitution Day (Syttende Mai)

Norway: Norway's National Day marks the adoption of the Constitution which declared the country as a kingdom independent of Sweden on May 17th 1814.

Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday (Første pinsedag)

Norway: Celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter

Whit Monday

 Long Weekend! 
Whit Monday (Andre pinsedag)

Norway: Commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit in the form of flames to the Apostles.

Christmas Eve

 Long Weekend! 
Christmas Eve (Julaften)

Norway: Christmas Eve marks the culmination of the Advent period before Christmas that started on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day (Første juledag)

Norway: Christmas celebrates the Nativity of Jesus which according to tradition took place on 25 December 1 BC

Second Day of Christmas

Second Day of Christmas (Andre juledag)

Norway: Several countries and regions around the world extend their public holidays for Christmas beyond 25th December


  • Holidays falling on a Saturday or Sunday do NOT generate an additional compensation day of holiday.