Day Guide for Thursday January 13th 2022 What are the holidays on January 13th 2022?

This is our day guide for Thursday January 13th 2022 which shows you at a glance what's happening on this day around the world. Using the calendar on this page, you can look at a day guide for any day. Why not look up your birthday to see which holidays you share it with?

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General Information for January 13th 2022
There are 2 public holidays today.
Day 13 of 2022
352 days left in 2022
Week 02 of the year
On this Day in History
1963 - French President de Gaulle uses the word 'concorde' (roughly translated to mean 'agreement') to refer to the Anglo-French supersonic aircraft project.
1943 - The Memphis Belle flies to Lille, France, to bomb marshalling yards.
1939 - With rivers at their lowest levels for 80 years and humidity at 8%, 71 lives are lost to fires and the town of Noojee is destroyed - one of many tragic incidents in the history of bushfires in Victoria, Australia.
531 - The Nika Riots start in Byzantium and last five days.