Non-Working Day in 2024

When is Non-Working Day?


Non-Working Day in Peru in 2024

The benefit of this non-working day is aimed at public sector workers nationwide. However, private sector work centers can benefit from the measure, subject to prior agreement between the employer and the workers.

About Non-Working Days for the Public Sector

The Government has declared six days as non-working days for public sector workers nationwide, to promote the development of domestic tourism in the country and promote the economic reactivation of Peru.

By means of Supreme Decree No. 011-2024-PCM (publ. 01-02-2023; vig. 02-02-2023), the days have been declared non-working days for Public Sector Workers.

Article 2.- Compensation of hours

The hours left to work during the non-working days established in the preceding article will be compensated in the next ten (10) days, or at the time established by the owner of each public entity, according to their own needs.

Article 3.- Provision of essential services

Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding articles, the heads of public sector entities shall adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the provision of those services that are essential for society, during the non-working days established in this Supreme Decree.

Article 4.- Non-working days in the private sector

The private sector work centers may benefit from the provisions of this Supreme Decree, prior agreement between the employer and its workers, who must establish the way in which the recovery of the hours left behind will be made effective; In the absence of agreement, the employer will decide.

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