Separation Day in 2024

When is Separation Day?


When is Separation Day?

This holiday is always celebrated on November 3rd. Known as Separation Day, this holiday celebrates the independence of Panama from Colombia in 1903. It is Panama's National Day.

Panama has an Independence Day public holiday on November 28th, but that holiday marks independence from Spain in 1821.

History of Separation Day

Though home to indigenous tribes, Panama came under Spanish control with the arrival of settlers in the 16th century. From 1538 until 1821 Panama was governed as part of the Viceroyalty of Peru.

On 28 November 1821, Panama become independent from Spain as the region was a department within the Republic of Greater Colombia.

Despite this first step towards independence, Panamanians had an enduring desire to become their own nation, coming close to independence from Colombia in 1831, when Ecuador and Venezuela left Gran Colombia.

In 1903, Colombia and Panama disagreed on whether the U.S. should be allowed to build a canal across Panama. With the support of the U.S., Panama broke away from Colombia on November 3rd 1903.

The canal was completed in 1914, and the area around the canal remained U.S. territory until 1979 and final U.S. involvement only ceased on 31 December 1999.

Did you know?

Sancocho is Panama's National dish. Particularly as a chicken soup containing Yuca and Culandro (coriander). It is usually eaten with rice.

How is Separation Day Celebrated?

Celebrations across the country will include firework displays and parades, especially in the capital, Panama City.

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