Saint Dévote's Day in 2025

When is Saint Dévote's Day?


When is Saint Dévote's Day?

This public holiday in Monaco is always celebrated on January 27th.

Saint Devota (French: Saint Dévote) is the Patron Saint of Monaco and her feast day in the Catholic Church is January 27th.

History of Saint Dévote's Day

According to tradition, Devota was born in Corsica in about 283AD. She was a Christian and had decided to devote herself to the service of god.

Devota was imprisoned and tortured for her faith during the Diocletian persecution of Christians and was martyred for her faith by either being stoned to death or racked in 303 AD.

Following her death, the governor of Corsica ordered that her body be burnt so that her remains would not become venerated. Her body was saved from the fire by Christians and put on a boat bound for Africa, where she would receive a proper Christian burial. During the journey, there was a raging storm and it is said that a dove appeared to guide the boat to the coast, landing safely in the Principality of Monaco on January 27th.

Over the centuries, the tale of Saint Devota has become one of the oldest and best-loved traditions in Monaco, and it is believed that Saint Devota has protected the Principality in its times of need.

Did you know?

Saint Devota is also the Patron Saint of Corsica.

Traditions of Saint Dévote's Day

Each year, the royal family attend a traditional remembrance service for St. Devote.

Following a church service, the royals stop to shake hands with locals on their way. They also helped set light to a fishing boat - a tradition that's been going strong since the reign of Prince Louis II in 1942.

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