Odisha Day in 2025

When is Odisha Day?


When is Odisha Day?

Odisha Day is celebrated as a regional public holiday on April 1st in the eastern Indian state of Odisha.

Also known as Utkal Divas or Utkala Dibasa, this day commemorates the formation of the state as a separate province in 1936.

History of Odisha Day

The region equivalent to the area of modern Odisha formed the ancient kingdom of Kalinga, which was conquered by the famous King Ashoka in 250BC.

In 1576, the coastal part of Orissa formed part of the Mughal Empire, and the region came under British control in 1803.

After a push in the early part of the 20th century to unify the Odia-speaking regions, the Bihar and Orissa Province was formed in 1912.

On April 1st 1936, Bihar and Orissa were split into separate provinces of British India. Sir John Austen Hubback became the first governor of Orissa.

In 2011, the name of the state was changed from Orissa to Odisha.

Although Bihar became a separate province on the same day, it instead celebrates the formation of the state on March 22nd 1912 as its state holiday.

Odisha Day is celebrated throughout the state, with competitions organised by local politicians, such as firework competitions.

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