Army Day in 2024

When is Army Day?


The traditional date of Honduran Army Day is October 21st, as discussed below. In October, there are another two public holidays and in 2014, they were moved to the last week in October to create one long holiday period with the intention of boosting the economy through tourism.

The rainy season made travel difficult during this time and in 2015. the October holidays were moved to the first week in October, with Army Day being observed on Friday October 9th 2015.

This practice of bundling the October holidays earlier in the month continues today. The public sector usually enjoys a full week of holidays, with the private sector joining in from midday on the Wednesday.

The holidays are known as Semana Morazánica as they fall closest to Francisco Morazán's Birthday. 

History of Honduran Army Day

Several countries observe public holidays to honour their armed forces and the role they play in safeguarding the nation. In Honduras, the army has historically taken a rather pro-active approach to this safeguarding, having been involved in several coups.

One such intervention took place in 1956 and is used as the date for Army Day, as this was the first time the army had acted in such a way for the benefit of the nation rather than as an instrument of the government.

In 1954 Julio Lozano Díaz was the Vice President of Honduras. While President Juan Manuel Gálvez was out of the country seeking medical attention, Lozano assumed presidential authority.

In December, he proclaimed himself the chief of state and he began instituting his own policies. Lozano was forced to resign by the military in 1956 but won a democratic election. The result was deemed illegitimate and was annulled by the military junta, who kicked Díaz out of office on October 21st 1956.

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