Cayman Islands Queen's Birthday in 2024

When is Cayman Islands Queen's Birthday?


When is Queen's Birthday in Cayman Islands?

The Queen's Birthday holiday is a moveable feast celebrating the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II who is not only Queen of Great Britain but also Queen of 16 out of the 53 countries in the commonwealth.

In the Cayman Islands, this holiday is celebrated on the Monday after the Saturday in June that is designated as the official holiday observance in the United Kingdom. Generally it is the second Saturday in June.

To celebrate the day there will be a parade in the capital, George Town, followed by a garden reception. Like the UK, the June birthday of the Queen is a time to give out birthday honours to those who have made a notable contribution to the Cayman Islands.

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary of the House of Windsor was born on April 21st, 1926.

In 1952, after the death of her father, King George VI, Elizabeth succeeded to the throne and was known thereafter as Queen Elizabeth II.

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