Independence Day in 2024

When is Independence Day?


When is Burkina Faso Independence Day?

Independence Day is a public holiday in Burkina Faso on August 5th. If Independence Day falls on a Sunday, a public holiday is observed on the following Monday.

This is Burkina Faso's National Day and commemorates full independence from France on August 5th 1960.

History of Burkina Faso Independence Day

With its inland location within Western Africa, the region that makes up modern-day Burkina Faso did not attract colonial attention until the late nineteenth century.

By 1898, the kingdoms that now make up the majority of the region corresponding to modern-day Burkina Faso had become a French protectorate.

These territories were added to the Upper Senegal and Burkina Faso colony of French West Africa in 1904. Over the years, regions within the area were split apart into different colonies, before Upper Volta was created on September 4th 1947 becoming an overseas territory of the French Union.

On December 11th 1958, The Republic of Upper Volta became a self-governing autonomous republic within the French Community.

Upper Volta gained its full independence on August 5th 1960, with Maurice Yameogo becoming the country's first president.

In 1984, Upper Volta was renamed Burkina Faso, which means "Land of Incorruptible People."

Did you know?

The capital of Burkina Faso is Ouagadougou. Written as “Wogodogo” in the Mòoré dialect, it literally means “You are welcome here at home with us”.

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