Potosí Public Holiday in 2024

When is Potosí Public Holiday?


About Potosí Public Holiday

Potosí, known as Villa Imperial de Potosí in the colonial period, is the capital city and a municipality of the Department of Potosí in Bolivia. It is one of the highest cities in the world at a nominal 4,090 metres (13,420 ft).

It is located in the southwest of the country, limiting to the north with the departments of Oruro and Cochabamba, to the east with Chuquisaca and Tarija, and to the south with Argentina up to the Zapaleri hill trifinio, where its border with Chile begins, towards the west.

The city was founded on January 23rd 1826 by the Marshal of Ayacucho, Antonio José de Sucre. The November 10th holiday marks its cry of freedom on that day in 1810.

Potosí is famous for its silver deposits, which has entered the Spanish language with the phrase “vale un Potosí”  ("to be worth a Potosí") meaning "to be of great value".

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