Independence Day in 2024

When is Independence Day?


When is Armenian Independence Day?

Independence Day in Armenia is a public holiday on September 21st each year.

Known as 'Ankakhutyan or', this holiday commemorates independence from the Soviet Union on this day in 1991.

Unlike most countries, Independence Day is not the National Day of Armenia. That is observed on May 28th, on the Day of the First Republic.

History of Armenian Independence Day

Following periods of rule by the Ottoman and Persian empires, most of modern-day Armenia came under Russian rule in the 19th century. After the collapse of the Russian Empire, Armenia declared its independence in 1918. Armenia became a founding member of the Soviet Union in 1922.

After the failed coup in Moscow in August 1991, a referendum for independence in Armenia took place on September 21st 1991, ending nearly 70 years of Soviet rule. This resulted in Armenia becoming the first non-Baltic republic to secede from the Soviet Union and the declaration of the Republic of Armenia. Levon Ter-Petrosyan was elected as the first President of the Republic on October 16th 1991.

Did you know?

Chess is a compulsory subject in Armenian schools.

How is Independence Day celebrated in Armenia?

To mark Independence Day, Armenians attend public celebrations including firework shows, music concerts, and parades. The main celebrations take place at Republic Square in the capital city Yerevan. Many Armenians enjoy national delicacies such as khorovats (grilled pork skewers), harissa (porridge made from wheat and meat), and dzhash (vegetable stew).

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