National Holidays in Uzbekistan in 2024

Upcoming Holidays in Uzbekistan

Touch a holiday for details

: New Year's Day

: Day of Defenders of the Motherland

  • The day when the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan were established. On this day ranks of servicemen are paraded in full uniform in the capital Tashkent to receive congratulations and awards from the country's leadership.

: International Women's Day

: Navruz

: Navruz Holiday

: Ramadan Khait

: Memorial Day

  • Introduced by President Islam Karimov as a commemoration of those who suffered in the war against fascism during World War II and who sacrificed their lives for freedom of the country

: Children's Day

  • The World Conference for the Well-being of Children in Geneva, Switzerland, proclaimed June 1st to be International Children's Day in 1925

: Kurban Khait

  • Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice is the most important feast in the Muslim calendar. It celebrates the willingness of the Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ishmael in submission to Allah's command, before he was stopped by Allah.

: Independence Day

: Teacher's Day

: Constitution Day
