Day Guide for Thursday September 17th 2020

This is our day guide for Thursday September 17th 2020 which shows you at a glance what's happening around the world on day 261 of 2020.

Holidays on September 17th 2020

Angola: National Heroes' Day. Marks the birthday of the national hero Agostinho Netowho was born on this day in 1922.

Cambodia: Ancestors' Day Holiday. Pchum Ben, also known as Ancestors' Day, is a Cambodian religious festival which culminates on the 15th day of the tenth month in the Khmer calendar, marking the end of the Buddhist lent


India (regional): Mahalaya. Marks the first day of the festival of Durga Puja


India (regional): Vishvakarma Day. Vishwakarma Puja is a day of celebration for Vishwakarma, a Hindu god, the divine architect


Spain (regional): Day of Melilla. Melilla only. Marks the taking of the city by Duke of Medina Sidonia in 1497

Tonga: Birthday of HRH Crown Prince. The current heir to the throne was born on September 17th 1985

September 16th 2020 | Go to Today | September 18th 2020

Observances on September 17th 2020

  • USA: Constitution Day and Citizenship Day
  • USA: National Apple Dumpling Day
  • Honduras: Teachers Day
  • International: World Patient Safety Day
