Day Guide for Tuesday August 4th 2020

This is our day guide for Tuesday August 4th 2020 which shows you at a glance what's happening around the world on day 217 of 2020.

Holidays on August 4th 2020

International: Eid Al Adha Holiday. Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice is the most important feast in the Muslim calendar. It celebrates the willingness of the Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ishmael in submission to Allah's command, before he was stopped by Allah.

Antigua and Barbuda: Carnival Tuesday. Second day of public holidays for the Carnival in Antigua and Barbuda

British Virgin Islands: Festival Tuesday. Emancipation Festival in the British Virgin Islands marks three-days of public holidays


El Salvador (regional): Fiestas Patronales Holiday. The Fiesta de San Salvador celebrates the country

Ghana: Founders' Day. 4th August has been chosen as the date for Founders' Day as it marks two important events in Ghana's history


Nepal (regional): Gaijatra. This is a Hindu festival that honours those who have died during the past year.

Saint Kitts and Nevis: Culturama Day. Similar to other carnivals in the Caribbean, Culturama highlights the cultural heritage of Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Vincy Mas. St. Vincent’s Carnival is known as Vincy Mas and activities culminate on the first Monday in July and the following Tuesday

August 3rd 2020 | Go to Today | August 5th 2020

Observances on August 4th 2020

  • United Kingdom: National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
  • USA: National Coast Guard Day
  • USA: National Night Out Day
  • USA: National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
  • USA: Great American Outdoors Day
  • International: National White Wine Day
