Day Guide for Monday June 22nd 2020

This is our day guide for Monday June 22nd 2020 which shows you at a glance what's happening around the world on day 174 of 2020.

Holidays on June 22nd 2020

Bolivia: Andean New Year Holiday. As Aymara New Year falls on a Sunday in 2020, the following Monday will be a holiday


Canada (regional): June Day. June Day commemorates the discovery of the province in 1497 by John Cabot.

Colombia: Sacred Heart. In Colombia this national holiday always falls on a Monday is celebrated ten weeks and a day after Easter Sunday

Croatia: Anti-Fascist Struggle Day. Marks the start of the uprising of anti-fascist Partisans against occupying forces in 1941

Latvia: Midsummer Eve (bridge day). Ligo is a Latvian festival, which celebrates the summer solstice, the day when it has the shortest night and the longest day

June 21st 2020 | Go to Today | June 23rd 2020

Observances on June 22nd 2020

  • USA: National Chocolate Eclair Day
  • USA: National Onion Rings Day
  • United Kingdom: Windrush Day
